The practical ingredients - what does deliverance ministry looks like in practice from an Adventist perspective
Why is important for us, the followers of Jesus to understand what is happening around us
How we can respond to those, who are experiencing persecution
Biblical response to the reality of persecution and how we can prepare when we are experiencing persecution ourselves.
Before the twelve, before the seventy, Jesus sent another missionary out. He never went to seminary, never sat in the church, never had a formal training as a missionary, but he had an encounter with Jesus. In this lecture we are exploring the lessons of his life, and how that applies to us today.
Through the lockdowns we see a suspension of “supposed inalienable rights” such as those contained in the US Bill of Rights. Perhaps this pandemic reveals that all the ingredients are in place for the persecution of God’s people, and the political leaders, across the political spectrum are ready and willing to use them, given the opportunity. The persecution of end-time God’s people is very real even today, just as it was through the ages.