our story

Our Story

Dear Friends,

If you’ve come to Quo Vadis to find the truth as it is in Jesus, you’ve come to the right place! We are living in a time where the challenges and distractions of everyday life can sometimes subdue the counsels the Bible provides for us as Christians.

This is why we at Quo Vadis are committed to sharing the Gospel message in a way that makes Christian living practical, realistic, and attainable.

While we still support the need to embrace Bible prophecy and to reveal its importance for the times in which we are living, our primary focus is in helping those yearning for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ to develop a character fit for the Kingdom.

Several years ago we went through a dramatic experience which shook us to the core. To describe it would be a feeling like falling into a deep gorge from where there is no escape. Everything seemed hopeless and our life was totally upside down. We were lost and did not know what to do. During the despair we were assured through dreams from Jesus that the Lord is in charge of our life and He walks with us as we scrambled the steep banks of the gorge. These dreams encouraged us so much in difficult times and we hung on them through faith. After many months of praying, wrestling, and searching our hearts God opened a door which we could never believe existed. God has prepared a new path that He wants us to walk on and through miraculous ways our ministry QUO VADIS was born. It was not of our effort, but of God’s will. We want to encourage all Christians on their journey to not question God in the middle of any crisis but consider every trial as part of life where God is beside them and helps them to hold on no matter how difficult the road is. Let us trust and be sure that God knows the way out of any seemingly hopeless situation, and He will lead to a surprising escape if we fully trust Him.

We are immensely grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us back a purpose for living, a will to live again and reason for worthy intent. His love lifted us ! Our trust and faith in God has been strengthened and our feet have been put on a solid path again in a new and blessed way. Our life has a meaning again because what He has done. Our God is so beautiful, uplifting and awesome !

Considering where we are in time, the question we must ask ourselves at this point is, “where are we going?” Are we ready for the return of our Lord and Savior in the clouds of heaven? Are our characters prepared for the Kingdom? Is there anything in our lives that could impede our ability to claim the promises that Jesus has so graciously offered? Do we have a genuine personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are we living our lives the way He had hoped we would?

Many commit considerable time and effort to the work of the Gospel. But will this alone suffice in ensuring us a place on the Sea of Glass? Few realize that it is not, nor has it ever been, the external efforts that ensure our salvation, but rather what is in our hearts. And all our professions of faith will be meaningless, unless we love the Lord with all our heart. “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me” (Matthew 15:8). It is not our outward efforts that will attest to our righteousness, as the Apostle Paul pointed out: “Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:9). Rather, it is the way in which we live our lives and in how we treat others. I pray that none of us, when asked to give to the Lord an account of our actions in life – pointing out how we prophesied, cast out demons, and did many wonderful works in His name – that He will respond with those chilling words, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:22-23).

We must come to know what it means to die to self and to be born again. We must find the commitment and fortitude to walk the narrow way despite pain and sorrow, despite trials, despite slander, and despite persecution or any other challenges that life may bring. And it is only by our trust and faith in Jesus Christ, that we will be able to overcome. If we are all too ready to place our trust in pastors, teachers, and other representatives of the faith instead of making Christ the center of our faith, we can easily lose sight of Him altogether. Our eyes should be fixed on Jesus first and foremost. The words of scripture remind us that “it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psalms 118:8). Even under the best of circumstances and with the most honest intentions, people may let us down. But the Lord will never let us down!

We pray that the messages you find on QVTV will inspire you to study the Word of God more closely and to develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. If there was ever a time in this world’s history to draw closer to the Lord, it is certainly now. So, as you consider the challenges you face in your own life today, ponder the question, “where are you going?” There is still hope in living the real Gospel message and embracing the truth as it is in Jesus so that you will be ready to be with the Lord forever when He returns for the faithful. Quo Vadis.

In His Service,
Wenzel Goubej,