“Who is among you who fears the Lord, who obeys the voice of his servant, who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.” Isaiah 50:10
Shall a child of God walk in darkness without any light? He who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and obey’ s His voice, has passed from darkness into His marvelous light. Yet at times we are in gloom and sadness, we see no light of consolation, there is darkness, and we cannot see ahead.
Our pilgrimage through this world, to the City of God, is encumbered with many obstacles, trials, and difficulties. As the martyrs and reformers of old we too are tested sometimes severely and may have to even walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Darkness has terrible power of causing fear. Look at the pandemic today, people are so fearful and have nowhere to turn to.
As the Servant of God, the King of Kings has gone through tribulation, we also might experience darkness and find the streets of daily life foggy and obscure for us to walk on. We often wonder why, if I am a child of God, do I suffer? We begin to question our salvation and doubt God’s forgiveness. In these moments we undergo a life and death struggle while we hold unto the Bible promises, although we are stressed and do not know what to do. This is very trying to our faith, our love, hope, and patience.
You may be in this situation today. Maybe your health is seriously compromised, maybe you have lost your business, are jobless, friendless and your family abandoned you. At some point or another, all God’s children experience dark moments in their lives. The hardest part of this is that you must walk alone, and the way seems to be hidden from your eyes. We look up and see no twinkling star and wonder how God can deliver us. There is however one weapon that remains in your hand. The power of PRAYER.
It is the Great I AM, the self-existent one, the faithful one, he is the foundation of trust. Even if your best friend, your son, your child, your parent be dead, but Jesus is the immutable God who said “ I am that I am “ the unchanging God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is our dwelling place through all generations. When you cannot see an inch before you, trust in Him who was, and who is to come.
Think of the way the Lord has been in the past, open your Bible and see His wonderful love and care for His people. Picture him before your eyes bleeding his life away upon the cross for you, offering himself up as innocent sacrifice to put away our sin and as you hear his cries and perceive the flowing of his blood, you will gain comfort and joy such as will turn your darkness unto day. My friends, it is very good that we remember what it means for us to have the Lord and our God in our own experience. Though the darkness surrounds you He will come through as the light to you again, He will comfort you and show you the way again. Remember to lean on His covenant. He will never break his word.
It is easy to have faith in God when you are healthy and prospering. But it is hard when your children might be buried, your home desolate, your health gone and you are old and poor, but you can also choose to say what Job declared “though he slays me, yet I will trust him.”
Your faith will carry you through, rely upon your God and do not hesitate. Even Jesus went through the severest of trials, through the blackest midnight and the valley of death. But He trusted God and so we do the same, we will glorify God by our trust. It honors God when in despondency and despair we can bravely say “though I am weak and feeble, though I am surrounded by the powers of darkness, I believe in Him and if I perish, I perish.”
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