The world is heaving to and fro. The hearts of men are stirred with violence. Many are looking on petrified with fear for the things that are befalling this planet. There is civil unrest, injustices on every side, and many lies told. One wonders what can be trusted. This month we as Christians remember the Reformation. It has been over 500 years since the Reformation was marked on that fateful day when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses in Wittenberg on October 31st in the year 1517. This act marked the commencement of the Reformation which continues.
Faithful men and women stood firm in their beliefs against all odds holding to the truths learned and many laid down their lives for the truth’s sake. The violence we have seen in recent days has the same tones that caused the tragic St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572.
Among the people of France were a group of protestants that came to be called the Huguenots. No one quite knows how this group obtained the name, however, the word was meant as an insult by the French Catholics.

In the early sixteenth century, Protestants were growing in number. The teachings of John Calvin, spread throughout the land of France. It is estimated that approximately eight percent of the overall French population at the time converted from Catholicism to Protestantism. Of these were nobles, artisans, merchants as well as of humble origins.

The tragic massacre of St. Bartholomew was instigated by the then regent queen and mother of King Charles the IX, Catherine de Medici. Fuming with hate, a mob descended on the Huguenots. The murderous throng led by “…Satan the unseen leader of his subjects in this horrible work of multiplying martyrs. For seven days the massacre was continued in Paris, the first three with inconceivable fury. And it was not confined to the city itself, but by special order of the king was extended to all the provinces and towns where Protestants were found. Neither age nor sex was respected. Neither the innocent babe nor the man of gray hairs was spared. Noble and peasant, old and young, mother and child, were cut down together. Throughout France the butchery continued for two months. Seventy thousand of the very flower of the nation perished.” Ellen G. White ~ The Great Controversy, Page 272

As Christians, we should take time to remember and honor those who gave their lives for the truths we have. There is nothing more precious and reliable than the Word of God. It is a pillar in which we can place our hope. It is our refuge and inheritance. In today’s uncertain world, we must hold on to Christ, and remind ourselves that His kingdom is not of this world. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12.

Never lose hope “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28.

God Bless,
Solange Lansiquot
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