This powerful truth given by the Apostle Paul through the Holy Spirit is part of His inspired and inspiring discourse on the resurrection. We are told that death is going to be the last enemy to be destroyed. Why the last? Death must teach us some things before he goes into oblivion.
Death teaches us that sin is serious. The Bible says that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23.) The atmosphere of sin saps true life out of beings who have been created for eternity. Since all have sinned and come short of eternal life, we are all walking dead men and women without Christ and His abundant life.
Death must come before life. First, spiritual death must come before the spiritual life of salvation, sanctification, and victory here. We must die to sin here before we can live unto Christ. Paul said in another place “I die daily.” How does this happen? It is because of Christ’s death in the cross, we can now be crucified unto the world and the world to us (Galatians 6:14.) As we present our bodies daily to unto Him, as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable which is our reasonable service or worship (Romans 12:1, 2.) Christ will then gives us of His power and righteousness, to be crucified with Him and to live by His unconquerable faith (Galatians 2:20.) Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it cannot bear much fruit (John 2:24.) Secondly, physical death must come before the first resurrection. The corruptible and the mortal die and the incorruptible and immortal will be raised, this is our Precious Lord Jesus Christ’s Second Coming (I Corinthians 15:53.)
Death teaches us that we are not inherently immortal. Only God has immortality and will bestow it upon whom He will as they live and die in His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, we are to live and move in heavenly places even though we remain on earth. We are to have our hearts and treasures in heaven, where moth or rust does not corrupt.
We also learn from verse that death is an enemy. Why? Because death has caused so many heartaches and pains, tears, and grief. Death is our enemy for it has snatched from us so many a precious life. Death has deprived us of the joys that could have been, stolen our treasures, and dashed our dreams.
And so, we do well to have nothing to do with death or the things of death. The Old Testament Israelites were not permitted to touch anything or anyone physically dead (with minor exceptions) in order to teach them that they were to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them and keep away from them as much as possible. We are to live for and in the abundant life which Jesus came to give us. Death is also God’s enemy, for God has never intended us for death but for life. God is also affected by death of His children, whom He created for sinless, heavenly joys and pleasures at His right hand. But because of the grace of God in Christ through His death on the cross, we can redeem the time and regain the lost treasures and joys we have lost through death. We can now see redemption as not only an individual thing, but through Christ’s precious blood, it is a buying back of the things death has deprived us of and giving them back to us clean and pure and whole.
Finally, this verse teaches us that death will be destroyed! Oh, what a day when earth will meet with heaven and all that is sinful, miserable, unholy shall have an end! The reunion in the air where we see our Lord Jesus and our converted loved ones will be indescribable in its scope for joy and jubilation!
“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:4.)
“One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die”
– John Donne, Death Be Not Proud
Then let us not grieve and mourn as the world does, but let us comfort one another with His Word and promises, live for Christ and with Christ each day of our lives, and soon we shall see Him Whom our soul loves and be with Him, and one another, for eternity.
God bless you,
Pastor Mellas
- Pastor Andreas Mellas: The Last Enemy - April 22, 2021