Wednesday March 19
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | Am I Converted? | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
1:00 AM | Health | Brandon Senior | Behold The Saviour |
2:00 AM | Oncology nurse quits after discovering nutrition heals cancer | Chris Wark | Chris Beat Cancer |
3:00 AM | Building a Healthy Brain | Dr. Sam Perez and Dr. Rhoda Gottfried | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
5:00 AM | The Blessing of a Clear Conscience | Gerry Wagoner | N/A |
6:00 AM | The Jet Pilot's Journey | Gary Kent | Incrediable Journey |
7:00 AM | Men, Porn and the Gospel | Conrad Vine | N/A |
8:00 AM | Am I Converted? | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
9:00 AM | Health | Brandon Senior | Behold The Saviour |
10:00 AM | Oncology nurse quits after discovering nutrition heals cancer | Chris Wark | Chris Beat Cancer |
11:00 AM | Building a Healthy Brain | Dr. Sam Perez and Dr. Rhoda Gottfried | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
1:00 PM | The Blessing of a Clear Conscience | Gerry Wagoner | N/A |
2:00 PM | The Jet Pilot's Journey | Gary Kent | Incrediable Journey |
3:00 PM | Men, Porn and the Gospel | Conrad Vine | N/A |
4:00 PM | Am I Converted? | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
5:00 PM | Health | Brandon Senior | Behold The Saviour |
6:00 PM | Oncology nurse quits after discovering nutrition heals cancer | Chris Wark | Chris Beat Cancer |
7:00 PM | Building a Healthy Brain | Dr. Sam Perez and Dr. Rhoda Gottfried | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
9:00 PM | The Blessing of a Clear Conscience | Gerry Wagoner | N/A |
10:00 PM | The Jet Pilot's Journey | Gary Kent | Incrediable Journey |
11:00 PM | Men, Porn and the Gospel | Conrad Vine | N/A |
Thursday March 20
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | The True Church | Arnie Suntag | N/A |
1:00 AM | So close yet so far | Timothy Pernerich | N/A |
3:00 AM | Genesis 1-11 - The Foundation for Everything | Ken Ham | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
4:00 AM | Legal Challenges to Covid Vaccine Mandates | Jonathan Cherne Esq. | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
5:00 AM | Dr. Christiaan Barnard: Pioneering the Future of Cardiac Medicine | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
6:00 AM | Columbus, The Papacy and Today | Conrad Vine | N/A |
7:00 AM | Righteousness by Faith and Earth’s Final Hour | Ron Kelly | N/A |
8:00 AM | The True Church | Arnie Suntag | N/A |
9:00 AM | So close yet so far | Timothy Pernerich | N/A |
11:00 AM | Genesis 1-11 - The Foundation for Everything | Ken Ham | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
12:00 PM | Legal Challenges to Covid Vaccine Mandates | Jonathan Cherne Esq. | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
1:00 PM | Dr. Christiaan Barnard: Pioneering the Future of Cardiac Medicine | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
2:00 PM | Columbus, The Papacy and Today | Conrad Vine | N/A |
3:00 PM | Righteousness by Faith and Earth’s Final Hour | Ron Kelly | N/A |
4:00 PM | The True Church | Arnie Suntag | N/A |
5:00 PM | So close yet so far | Timothy Pernerich | N/A |
7:00 PM | Genesis 1-11 - The Foundation for Everything | Ken Ham | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
8:00 PM | Legal Challenges to Covid Vaccine Mandates | Jonathan Cherne Esq. | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
9:00 PM | Dr. Christiaan Barnard: Pioneering the Future of Cardiac Medicine | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
10:00 PM | Columbus, The Papacy and Today | Conrad Vine | N/A |
11:00 PM | Righteousness by Faith and Earth’s Final Hour | Ron Kelly | N/A |
Friday March 21
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | Where is Your Treasure? | Dylan McWilliams | N/A |
1:00 AM | Why the SDA Church Sold its Members Down the River ? | Conrad Vine and Panel | Conrad Vine and Panel |
3:00 AM | Lessons For The 2020s From Germany's Adventist Past Part 1 The World War I Era | Dr. Hendrik Heitkamp | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
4:00 AM | As In The Days of Noah part 2 | Ron Kelly | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
5:00 AM | Satan's Greatest Fear | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
6:00 AM | Teach us how to pray | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
7:00 AM | Prayer - Connecting With God | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
8:00 AM | Where is Your Treasure? | Dylan McWilliams | N/A |
9:00 AM | Why the SDA Church Sold its Members Down the River ? | Conrad Vine and Panel | Conrad Vine and Panel |
11:00 AM | Lessons For The 2020s From Germany's Adventist Past Part 1 The World War I Era | Dr. Hendrik Heitkamp | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
12:00 PM | As In The Days of Noah part 2 | Ron Kelly | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
1:00 PM | Satan's Greatest Fear | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
2:00 PM | Teach us how to pray | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
3:00 PM | Prayer - Connecting With God | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
4:00 PM | Where is Your Treasure? | Dylan McWilliams | N/A |
5:00 PM | Why the SDA Church Sold its Members Down the River ? | Conrad Vine and Panel | Conrad Vine and Panel |
7:00 PM | Lessons For The 2020s From Germany's Adventist Past Part 1 The World War I Era | Dr. Hendrik Heitkamp | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
8:00 PM | As In The Days of Noah part 2 | Ron Kelly | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
9:00 PM | Satan's Greatest Fear | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
10:00 PM | Teach us how to pray | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
11:00 PM | Prayer - Connecting With God | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
Saturday March 22
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | The Armour of God | Dylan McWilliams | N/A |
1:00 AM | The Role of Conscience | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
2:00 AM | As In The Days of Noah part 1 | Ron Kelly | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
3:00 AM | Australia's Deadliest Flood – Gundagai 1852 | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
4:00 AM | Lessons For the 2020s From Germany's Adventist Past Part 2 The Nazi Era | Gerhard Erbes | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
6:00 AM | The Lord's Prayer | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
7:00 AM | Are My Prayers Being Heard (Part 1) | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
8:00 AM | The Armour of God | Dylan McWilliams | N/A |
9:00 AM | The Role of Conscience | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
10:00 AM | As In The Days of Noah part 1 | Ron Kelly | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
11:00 AM | Australia's Deadliest Flood – Gundagai 1852 | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
12:00 PM | Lessons For the 2020s From Germany's Adventist Past Part 2 The Nazi Era | Gerhard Erbes | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
2:00 PM | The Lord's Prayer | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
3:00 PM | Are My Prayers Being Heard (Part 1) | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
4:00 PM | The Armour of God | Dylan McWilliams | N/A |
5:00 PM | The Role of Conscience | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
6:00 PM | As In The Days of Noah part 1 | Ron Kelly | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
7:00 PM | Australia's Deadliest Flood – Gundagai 1852 | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
8:00 PM | Lessons For the 2020s From Germany's Adventist Past Part 2 The Nazi Era | Gerhard Erbes | Religious Liberty weekend Village Fall 2024 |
10:00 PM | The Lord's Prayer | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
11:00 PM | Are My Prayers Being Heard (Part 1) | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
Sunday March 23
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | What are the Historical Facts of Jesus and the Crucifixtion | Nabel Quereshi | N/A |
1:00 AM | The Bible in the Quran | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
2:00 AM | Good News | Conrad Vine | N/A |
3:00 AM | CBDCs, Tokenization of Assets, AI & Revelation 13 | Eva Tompkins | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
4:00 AM | The Coming Religious Revivals in America | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
5:00 AM | Floriade and the Secrets of a Beautiful Life | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
6:00 AM | Consider the Lilies | Brandon Senior | Behold the Savior |
7:00 AM | Are My Prayers Being Heard (Part 2) | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
8:00 AM | What are the Historical Facts of Jesus and the Crucifixtion | Nabel Quereshi | N/A |
9:00 AM | The Bible in the Quran | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
10:00 AM | Good News | Conrad Vine | N/A |
11:00 AM | CBDCs, Tokenization of Assets, AI & Revelation 13 | Eva Tompkins | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
12:00 PM | The Coming Religious Revivals in America | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
1:00 PM | Floriade and the Secrets of a Beautiful Life | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
2:00 PM | Consider the Lilies | Brandon Senior | Behold the Savior |
3:00 PM | Are My Prayers Being Heard (Part 2) | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
4:00 PM | What are the Historical Facts of Jesus and the Crucifixtion | Nabel Quereshi | N/A |
5:00 PM | The Bible in the Quran | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
6:00 PM | Good News | Conrad Vine | N/A |
7:00 PM | CBDCs, Tokenization of Assets, AI & Revelation 13 | Eva Tompkins | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
8:00 PM | The Coming Religious Revivals in America | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
9:00 PM | Floriade and the Secrets of a Beautiful Life | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
10:00 PM | Consider the Lilies | Brandon Senior | Behold the Savior |
11:00 PM | Are My Prayers Being Heard (Part 2) | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
Monday March 24
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | David Warren – The Man Who Invented the Black Box and Changed Aviation Forever | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
1:00 AM | Silent Men | Conrad Vine | N/A |
3:00 AM | AI & The Holy Bible | Frank Cohen | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
4:00 AM | The True Revival | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
5:00 AM | Faith not works | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
6:00 AM | Panel Discusion | Peter McCullough | Covid, Coercion and Conscience Symposium |
8:00 AM | David Warren – The Man Who Invented the Black Box and Changed Aviation Forever | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
9:00 AM | Silent Men | Conrad Vine | N/A |
11:00 AM | AI & The Holy Bible | Frank Cohen | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
12:00 PM | The True Revival | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
1:00 PM | Faith not works | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
2:00 PM | Panel Discusion | Peter McCullough | Covid, Coercion and Conscience Symposium |
4:00 PM | David Warren – The Man Who Invented the Black Box and Changed Aviation Forever | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
5:00 PM | Silent Men | Conrad Vine | N/A |
7:00 PM | AI & The Holy Bible | Frank Cohen | AI & the days of Noah Conference 2024 - Wisdom Pearl |
8:00 PM | The True Revival | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
9:00 PM | Faith not works | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
10:00 PM | Panel Discusion | Peter McCullough | Covid, Coercion and Conscience Symposium |
Tuesday March 25
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | Redeemer | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
1:00 AM | God Keeps His Promises | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
2:00 AM | What's the Time ? | Conrad Vine | NA |
4:00 AM | America on the Precipice part 1 - The Tug-of-War Between Communism and Fascism | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
5:00 AM | Grey Matters | Ron Kelly | N/A |
6:00 AM | Standing Faithful | Jonathan Zirkle | N/A |
7:00 AM | Behold the Birds | Joel Kratzke | N/A |
8:00 AM | Redeemer | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
9:00 AM | God Keeps His Promises | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
10:00 AM | What's the Time ? | Conrad Vine | NA |
12:00 PM | America on the Precipice part 1 - The Tug-of-War Between Communism and Fascism | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
1:00 PM | Grey Matters | Ron Kelly | N/A |
2:00 PM | Standing Faithful | Jonathan Zirkle | N/A |
3:00 PM | Behold the Birds | Joel Kratzke | N/A |
4:00 PM | Redeemer | Samir Berbawy | N/A |
5:00 PM | God Keeps His Promises | Liz Dolwig | N/A |
6:00 PM | What's the Time ? | Conrad Vine | NA |
8:00 PM | America on the Precipice part 1 - The Tug-of-War Between Communism and Fascism | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
9:00 PM | Grey Matters | Ron Kelly | N/A |
10:00 PM | Standing Faithful | Jonathan Zirkle | N/A |
11:00 PM | Behold the Birds | Joel Kratzke | N/A |
Wednesday March 26
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | Courageous Love - the Good Samaritan | Dr. Charles Hoffe | N/A |
2:00 AM | From Script to Scripture | Michael Hasel | N/A |
3:00 AM | The Dead Sea Scrolls - Treasure of the Caves | Gary Kent | Incrediable Journey |
4:00 AM | America on the Precipice part 2 - The Real Puppet Master Behind American Politics | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
5:00 AM | Due Process in the Church and the State | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
6:00 AM | Leadership Training | Ron Kelly | N/A |
8:00 AM | Courageous Love - the Good Samaritan | Dr. Charles Hoffe | N/A |
10:00 AM | From Script to Scripture | Michael Hasel | N/A |
11:00 AM | The Dead Sea Scrolls - Treasure of the Caves | Gary Kent | Incrediable Journey |
12:00 PM | America on the Precipice part 2 - The Real Puppet Master Behind American Politics | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
1:00 PM | Due Process in the Church and the State | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
2:00 PM | Leadership Training | Ron Kelly | N/A |
4:00 PM | Courageous Love - the Good Samaritan | Dr. Charles Hoffe | N/A |
6:00 PM | From Script to Scripture | Michael Hasel | N/A |
7:00 PM | The Dead Sea Scrolls - Treasure of the Caves | Gary Kent | Incrediable Journey |
8:00 PM | America on the Precipice part 2 - The Real Puppet Master Behind American Politics | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
9:00 PM | Due Process in the Church and the State | Jonathon Cherne | N/A |
10:00 PM | Leadership Training | Ron Kelly | N/A |
Thursday March 27
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | Should the United States Be a Theocracy? | Tim Rumsey | N/A |
1:00 AM | Roger Williams: Birth of American Freedom | Jonathan Zirkle | N/A |
2:00 AM | Let Freedom Ring | Conrad Vine | N/A |
3:00 AM | Abraham Lincoln: Fight for Freedom | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
4:00 AM | America on the Precipice part 3 - The Global Elite and Disunity in America | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
6:00 AM | A Gastroenterologiest's Perspective on the Leaky Gut Issue | Joyce Choe | N/A |
7:00 AM | From Table to Able Combating Disabling Diseases with Food | Michael Gregor | N/A |
8:00 AM | Should the United States Be a Theocracy? | Tim Rumsey | N/A |
9:00 AM | Roger Williams: Birth of American Freedom | Jonathan Zirkle | N/A |
10:00 AM | Let Freedom Ring | Conrad Vine | N/A |
11:00 AM | Abraham Lincoln: Fight for Freedom | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
12:00 PM | America on the Precipice part 3 - The Global Elite and Disunity in America | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
2:00 PM | A Gastroenterologiest's Perspective on the Leaky Gut Issue | Joyce Choe | N/A |
3:00 PM | From Table to Able Combating Disabling Diseases with Food | Michael Gregor | N/A |
4:00 PM | Should the United States Be a Theocracy? | Tim Rumsey | N/A |
5:00 PM | Roger Williams: Birth of American Freedom | Jonathan Zirkle | N/A |
6:00 PM | Let Freedom Ring | Conrad Vine | N/A |
7:00 PM | Abraham Lincoln: Fight for Freedom | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
8:00 PM | America on the Precipice part 3 - The Global Elite and Disunity in America | Walk of Faith Media | America on the Precipice |
10:00 PM | A Gastroenterologiest's Perspective on the Leaky Gut Issue | Joyce Choe | N/A |
11:00 PM | From Table to Able Combating Disabling Diseases with Food | Michael Gregor | N/A |
Friday March 28
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | The Coming Storm | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
1:00 AM | Something Good Is About To Happen | Ron Kelly | N/A |
2:00 AM | Checkpoint Charlie: Where East Meets West & Communism Meets Capitalism | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
3:00 AM | Living With Anger | Conrad Vine | NA |
4:00 AM | Derek Sloan Interview with Dr. Charles Hoffe | Derek Sloan | NA |
5:00 AM | Why the SDA Church Sold its Members Down the River ? | Conrad Vine and Panel | Conrad Vine and Panel |
7:00 AM | Barabara O'Neill on how to Self Heal by Design | Chris Wark | Chris Beat Cancer |
8:00 AM | The Coming Storm | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
9:00 AM | Something Good Is About To Happen | Ron Kelly | N/A |
10:00 AM | Checkpoint Charlie: Where East Meets West & Communism Meets Capitalism | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
11:00 AM | Living With Anger | Conrad Vine | NA |
12:00 PM | Derek Sloan Interview with Dr. Charles Hoffe | Derek Sloan | NA |
1:00 PM | Why the SDA Church Sold its Members Down the River ? | Conrad Vine and Panel | Conrad Vine and Panel |
3:00 PM | Barabara O'Neill on how to Self Heal by Design | Chris Wark | Chris Beat Cancer |
4:00 PM | The Coming Storm | Bryce Bowman | N/A |
5:00 PM | Something Good Is About To Happen | Ron Kelly | N/A |
6:00 PM | Checkpoint Charlie: Where East Meets West & Communism Meets Capitalism | Gary Kent | Incredible Journey |
7:00 PM | Living With Anger | Conrad Vine | NA |
8:00 PM | Derek Sloan Interview with Dr. Charles Hoffe | Derek Sloan | NA |
9:00 PM | Why the SDA Church Sold its Members Down the River ? | Conrad Vine and Panel | Conrad Vine and Panel |
11:00 PM | Barabara O'Neill on how to Self Heal by Design | Chris Wark | Chris Beat Cancer |
Saturday March 29
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | Critical Thinking | Eva Tompkins | N/A |
1:00 AM | Columbus, The Papacy and Today | Conrad Vine | N/A |
3:00 AM | Arriving At The Time of Trouble | Ron Kelly | N/A |
4:00 AM | I Surrender Some | Jennifer Arruda | N/A |
5:00 AM | Why Christians Keep Failing ? | Norman Byers | N/A |
7:00 AM | Sabbath or Saturday Keeper ? | Conrad Vine | N/A |
8:00 AM | Critical Thinking | Eva Tompkins | N/A |
9:00 AM | Columbus, The Papacy and Today | Conrad Vine | N/A |
11:00 AM | Arriving At The Time of Trouble | Ron Kelly | N/A |
12:00 PM | I Surrender Some | Jennifer Arruda | N/A |
1:00 PM | Why Christians Keep Failing ? | Norman Byers | N/A |
3:00 PM | Sabbath or Saturday Keeper ? | Conrad Vine | N/A |
4:00 PM | Critical Thinking | Eva Tompkins | N/A |
5:00 PM | Columbus, The Papacy and Today | Conrad Vine | N/A |
7:00 PM | Arriving At The Time of Trouble | Ron Kelly | N/A |
8:00 PM | I Surrender Some | Jennifer Arruda | N/A |
9:00 PM | Why Christians Keep Failing ? | Norman Byers | N/A |
11:00 PM | Sabbath or Saturday Keeper ? | Conrad Vine | N/A |
Sunday March 30
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | Thy Way O GOD part 1 | Andrew Bikichky | N/A |
1:00 AM | To Caesar you shall go | Brandon Senior | Behold the Savior |
3:00 AM | Paul - a changed Life | Conrad Vine | N/A |
4:00 AM | Narrow Gates and Wide Paths | Carlis Clinton | N/A |
5:00 AM | Education or Indoctrination? - A Student's Struggle in Public School | Nora and Sarah | N/A |
7:00 AM | When Your Conscience Says No | Barry Bussey | N/A |
8:00 AM | Courageous Christian Journalist | Drea Humphrey | N/A |
9:00 AM | Thy Way O GOD part 1 | Andrew Bikichky | N/A |
11:00 AM | To Caesar you shall go | Brandon Senior | Behold the Savior |
12:00 PM | Paul - a changed Life | Conrad Vine | N/A |
1:00 PM | Narrow Gates and Wide Paths | Carlis Clinton | N/A |
3:00 PM | Education or Indoctrination? - A Student's Struggle in Public School | Nora and Sarah | N/A |
4:00 PM | When Your Conscience Says No | Barry Bussey | N/A |
5:00 PM | Courageous Christian Journalist | Drea Humphrey | N/A |
7:00 PM | Thy Way O GOD part 1 | Andrew Bikichky | N/A |
8:00 PM | To Caesar you shall go | Brandon Senior | Behold the Savior |
9:00 PM | Paul - a changed Life | Conrad Vine | N/A |
11:00 PM | Narrow Gates and Wide Paths | Carlis Clinton | N/A |
11:00 PM | Education or Indoctrination? - A Student's Struggle in Public School | Nora and Sarah | N/A |
11:00 PM | When Your Conscience Says No | Barry Bussey | N/A |
11:00 PM | Courageous Christian Journalist | Drea Humphrey | N/A |
Monday March 31
Times displayed are PST.
12:00 AM | Thy Way O GOD part 2 | Andrew Bikichky | N/A |
1:00 AM | Heidis Personal Testimony | Heidi Tompkins | N/A |
2:00 AM | Choose Ye This Day | Herb Larson | N/A |
3:00 AM | Samson and the Harvest | Jay Cameron | N/A |
4:00 AM | Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers | Brandon Senior | Behold The Saviour |
5:00 AM | Live not by Fear | Barry Bussey | N/A |
6:00 AM | Dr. Chadi Nabhan – Expert witness against Monsanto in the Roundup cancer trials | Chris Walk | Chris Beat Cancer |
7:00 AM | Drugs | Jennifer Arruda | N/A |
8:00 AM | Thy Way O GOD part 2 | Andrew Bikichky | N/A |
9:00 AM | Heidis Personal Testimony | Heidi Tompkins | N/A |
10:00 AM | Choose Ye This Day | Herb Larson | N/A |
11:00 AM | Samson and the Harvest | Jay Cameron | N/A |
12:00 PM | Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers | Brandon Senior | Behold The Saviour |
1:00 PM | Live not by Fear | Barry Bussey | N/A |
2:00 PM | Dr. Chadi Nabhan – Expert witness against Monsanto in the Roundup cancer trials | Chris Walk | Chris Beat Cancer |
3:00 PM | Drugs | Jennifer Arruda | N/A |
4:00 PM | Thy Way O GOD part 2 | Andrew Bikichky | N/A |
5:00 PM | Heidis Personal Testimony | Heidi Tompkins | N/A |
6:00 PM | Choose Ye This Day | Herb Larson | N/A |
7:00 PM | Samson and the Harvest | Jay Cameron | N/A |
8:00 PM | Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers | Brandon Senior | Behold The Saviour |
9:00 PM | Live not by Fear | Barry Bussey | N/A |
10:00 PM | Dr. Chadi Nabhan – Expert witness against Monsanto in the Roundup cancer trials | Chris Walk | Chris Beat Cancer |
11:00 PM | Drugs | Jennifer Arruda | N/A |