Christians are not immune to becoming entrenched politically and allowing a partisan mindset to obscure the spiritual and prophetic significance of events taking place around them. If there were any doubt on this point, the global Covid pandemic provides many examples of Christians doing this very thing.

Christians ought to have been the last people fooled by global lockdowns and digital passports during Covid. Anyone with a proper working familiarity with the Bible knows that it tells us the signs that the world will end. We are instructed in the most solemn terms to discern the signs of the times. Jesus Himself stated, “Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them” – Luke 12:37. Also see Luke 21:34-36, Matthew 24.

Amongst the many other prophecies of this sort interspersed throughout Scripture, there are two main books which speak extensively on prophecy and the end of the world. Those books are the books of Daniel and the Revelation. In both there are specific revelations from God regarding end time events. The book of Revelation begins with the statement that this is the “revelation of Jesus Christ” to the Apostle John regarding the end of the world – see Revelation 1:1.

Revelation 13 contains the prophecy of the “mark of the beast”, and describes it as a condition imposed on every person on earth by civil authorities who operate under the directions and influence of the “Lamb-Like Beast”. The mark of the beast, simply put, is a test for participation in society – it is a condition imposed by governments which completely restricts an individual from buying or selling if he or she does not have the mark. That means restrictions on commerce, transportation and mobility, speech, internet usage – everything.

If you think that sounds a lot like central bank digital currencies, digital passports, a cashless society, and the profound restrictions on personal freedom and movement that arose over the course of nearly four years, you’d be right. The global events we have witnessed are surely a harbinger of things to come. The system is being built before our very eyes.

The Bible emphasises that no one on the earth will be immune from the test of the mark of the beast, and in case there was any doubt, Revelation emphasises that it applies to “all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond” – Revelation 13:16.

Contrary to what the “once saved always saved” crowd says, the mark of the beast test is determinative of the salvation of the people at the end of the world. The class that refuses the mark is persecuted and ordered to be put to death by civil powers – Revelation 13:15, but triumphs in the end – Revelation 15:2. They get “the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name”. The class that takes the mark can buy and sell for a short time, but then it receives the plagues mentioned in Revelation 16, and is thrown into the Lake of Fire with the devil and his angels – Revelation 14:9-11; 19:20.

Most Christians who study their Bibles to some extent, as opposed to the vast number of professed Christians who do not, have some general awareness of these prophecies. And yet during Covid, there were millions upon millions of Christians who failed to recognize that near-global forced lockdowns, vaccine passports, restrictions on cash, segregated societies etc. were a prophesied move in the direction the events described in Revelation 13.

Those who failed to recognize the prophetic implications can be generally subdivided into two classes.

One group of Christians, as stated, were oblivious to the prophetic significance because they simply do not read their Bibles, or only read them cursorily. These people have essentially obtained all of their understanding of the Bible, such as it is, from their pastor or priest. They fail to inquire of the Word of God themselves.

While this nominal and uninformed type of Christianity is still labeled by the world as “Christianity”, this is illusive because Christians are instructed to study and watch – for example, see Mark 13:35-37.i Christ never instructed His followers to be ignorant and uninformed, to bow to public pressure on matters of conscience, or to receive their information from their equally ignorant and uninformed pastors or priests.

The other group of Christians in this category, however, failed to recognize the prophetic significance of the events around them even though they read the Bible to some greater or lesser extent. A large number in this class of persons, it can safely be said, often missed the prophetic significance of global lockdowns and economic restrictions because of their political allegiance to left wing ideology and/or parties.

Since it was primarily their tribe which imposed lockdowns and vaccine passports, etc., these Christians often proved incapable of putting sufficient distance between their party’s positions and their obligation to uphold and align themselves with Christian principles which have superior claims, such as liberty of conscience, the right to bodily autonomy, and freedom of speech. When governments around the world began to violate the right of free speech, these Christians sided with the state. When Christian pastors were being arrested for having a Bible study or a church service, these Christians sided with the state. When the governments told their citizens they had to have injections from Pfizer or Moderna or Astra Zeneca, these Christians sided with the state. They were unable to discern that what was taking place all around them was in fact an obvious advance toward the events of Revelation 13.

To underscore the depth of their blindness, many in this class are so deluded that they still think that coercing billions of people to take the useless and dangerous Pfizer shot, and locking them away from society if they refused, was a good idea.

We could generally summarize all the points made so far thusly: in America, if a Christian person was a member of Team Donkey, they were much more likely to rationalize oppression because it was Team Donkey that was doing the oppressing.

An observer might reasonably conclude from this, therefore, that a Christian person could avoid this spiritual blindness by simply not being a member of the Donkey Party. And of course, that would be a good idea for further reasons we will come to momentarily.

But it turns out the phenomenon is not exclusive to only to Team Donkey. It can be readily proven, in fact, that Christians who are on Team Donkey or Team Elephant both have a similar problem applying Bible principles objectively to a given fact scenario which touches on Revelation 13.

In case there were any doubt of this, Providence has now determined to demonstrate the point for the world to see by way of observation of those Christians who are members of Team Elephant. Observation supports the proposition that Christians on Team Elephant experience a similar cognizance-impairing bias.

When the Lamb-Like Beast imposes and threatens to impose aggressive global tariffs,i or threatens land seizures (Greenland, Canada, Panama Canal, and now the Gaza Strip)ii, Christians on Team Elephant tend to ignore it.

When the Lamb-Like Beast makes public pronouncements from the Executive Branch that society needs to return to God, or that God’s plan for America will be fulfilled “sooner rather than later”,iii they are silent. Most are not inclined to defend the separation of church and state or the First Amendment of the Constitution.

When the very co-author of Project 2025, which outlines plans for the state to legislate a national Sunday law, becomes part of the White House Cabinet, they are silent.iv Sunday legislation is undoubtedly the prophesied mark of the beast, the enforcement of the day of the Roman Papacy which boasts of its claimed change of the law of God as the special “mark” of its authority.v But many Christians, even those from the Seventh-day Adventist and Seventh-day Baptist denominations, are quiet.

The Bible prophesies that the Lamb-Like Beast will make use of coercion as a mechanism to persuade the nations to impose the mark of the beast. Notice the language in Revelation 13:14 and 16: “saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and did live”, and, “he causes all, both small and great” etc, to “receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads”.

Tariffs are a tool of coercion. America has the greatest economic clout on the planet, and prophecy indicates that it will utilize its leverage to compel nations to impose the mark. We know the nations of the world will fall into

We appear to have come to an inflection point in the timeline of Bible prophecy, and ought to know that the imposition of the mark is on the near horizon. When the leader of the Lamb-Like Beast boastfully claims that it has the nations of the world “over a barrel” economically,vii watch out.

Around the world, plans to control buying, selling, speech and movement are being implemented in phases using digital IDs and artificial intelligence. Team Elephant has committed to funding AI in America to the tune of $500 billion dollars.viii There is a proposal to replace most Federal employees with machines.ix But there is little comment by Christians, and can there be any doubt their political allegiances are causing this silence?

The call in Revelation 18:4 to “Come out of her my people” applies not only to the apostate churches, but in principle applies to earthly party allegiances. It includes a separation from human tribalism. Therefore, come out of Team Donkey, and come out of Team Elephant, and be free of partisan loyalties because both of them will support the taking of the mark, and both of them will receive the plagues, and both of them will be thrown into the lake of fire. And if you are in them still, so will you.

According to the Apostle Paul, Christians ought to stand as registered independents with respect to political allegiances. God calls His followers “citizens with the saints” – a group who is called out and who’s allegiance is to heaven first, not second. They are of the “household of God”, not Team Donkey or Team Elephant.

Speaking of those who had gone before, Paul writes:

Heb 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

Heb 11:14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.

Heb 11:15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.

Heb 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

This world is not our home. We have a city. We have a country. Let us stand as independents, judging righteously and not corrupted with partisanship. Let us watch faithfully and impartially, and weigh each issue against the inerrant standard of the Word of God. For we seek a city also, “Whose Builder and Maker is God” – Hebrews 11:10.





iv – see page 589. – Russ Vought, co-author Project 2025 confirmed.

v “Sunday is our mark of authority …. The church is above the Bible, and this transference of sabbath observance is proof of that fact” (The Catholic Record of London, Ontario, Sept. 1, 1923).





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