Thank you for your programing in lifting up Jesus. It is so needed. I am so glad I found you through a friend telling me about you. You are a great blessing to our world…I will be praying for your ministry.
Thank you for Spirit-filled programs and last day warning messages that continue to appear on Quo Vadis Ministry. As Seventh Day Adventist how much we need to listen and learn while there is time left. Lord, help us all to be faithful.
Thank you for your ministry, and for trying to get the truth out. May God bless you.
I Want to tell you that I appreciate the programs on QV TV, especially topics on: righteousness by faith, end times, pandemic and world control. These things I find are poorly presented at our local SDA churches. Thank you to all the staff.
I always enjoy your network, and so thankful I have it coming into my home. I try to contribute as often as I can in order to keep your programs coming. Never a large sum, however I know God is very good in multiplying. God bless and keep up the good work as long as the doors are open to us.
Enjoy your conservatives speakers especially Ron Kelley, Michael Dant, Br. Vine. Graphics to music and scripture are beautiful. Blessings to you!
Dear Quo Vadis ministry, I really enjoy your selection of programing. I have a Glory Star satellite and I see QVTV on ch 116. God bless your ministry and thank you for your teachings.
I enjoyed our conversation on the phone. Hope we can meet in person, but the way things are going in this world now, is most likely that cannot happen on this earth. Blessings to all ho are working in Quo Vadis. In His name, Pearl!
Thank you for the “Thank you letter” you sent me for my last donation. It was all about being a peacemaker. I’ve read it over and over again and attempting to apply it to my life. Other broadcasters I’ve donated to, say “thank you” with page after page requesting more money. Your satellite channel has become my favorite to watch. Thank you! Ken
We do love Quo Vadis. It is our #1 go to channel. Thank you for all you do and may God abundantly bless all that you do. All our love, George and Vicki.
Please accept our sincere gratitude and thanks for your meaningful programming…Physical and spiritual improvement came directly from watching your channel.
Dear Dagmar and Wenzel, so nice speaking with you just now. May God bless your ministry as you continue to tell the world of Jesus love. May He come soon. Love G & S
Please continue to present timely messages to the world.
God bless you for all the work you do. Love Shake
May we all be in one accord during these last days – with God. Soon we won’t be able to share $ or possessions, but God will be with us if we are constantly on His side.
I am praying for you, and a receive a blessing from your programs.
Dear Quo Vadis ministry, I pray the Lord Jesus Christ bless all and everyone this Christmas season. I Love the ministry! I love you all! I pray for everyone! Thank you so very much for all the wonderful ministries yo do. In His love, Curtis.
Please accept this donation as a recognition and appreciation of your hard work and sacrifice in the field of Local and World-Wide Evangelism. It takes a special person and hard work to do the work that is being done from your facility and I just wanted to say ” Thank you!”
We are blessed with the good messages. Keep up the good work.
Thank you so very much for airing the program, The Narrow Way, it was wonderful blessing and hope it will be aired again.
I was so elated learning about QUO Vadis. Finding you is answer to prayer.
May our heavenly Father richly bless you and Quo Vadis.
Your ministry is beautiful. It is a good balance of love and Truth.
Tender and strong.
I am so blessed with your programs. I am a Seventh Day Adventist. Your program has been a great blessing to my family. May God continue to bless you in preaching his messages. God bless you.
I am so grateful to the Lord for leading me to find Quo Vadis ministry. I find this ministry supplies spiritually uplifting and refreshing programs, beautiful music and gorgeous nature videos with inspiring and soul satisfying Biblical texts and also supplies so many wonderful informative programs about health. My prayers are for your ministry to be abundantly blessed so that it can be available to bless all who are viewing QVTV. And I also hope and pray that those who watch QVTV will choose to support your ministry with their prayers and financial support so that people seeking truth and heaven as their home may be abundantly blessed by QVTV. May God very richly bless you folks for your sacrifice to get this ministry going!
Dear friends.
Words cannot describe how thankful I am for your ministry. I have been watching since you started last November and am so blessed.
I first watched “The Lord our righteousness” again and my heart was really touched. I love all the health programs and presenters! God bless you all.
Dear QV, love your website. Who is your webmaster?
Your programs are a blessing to me, it is really great to have you on the air.
Love your speakers and the wonderful messages that no one else is preaching.
Thank you for your station programming, I know there is God in your station because he speaks to me. Oh, and the music – is marvelous!
I love your programming, it draws me to Christ. Thank you.
We cannot say enough how much we are enjoying your speakers on QUO VADIS. Especially the health lectures concerning autoimmune disorders and possible healing. We pray for your station every day.
I pray for the ministry everyday and praise the Lord for his grace and mercy for each of use in these last days.
Dear Quo Vadis,
We’are praying all is going well for you and Quo Vadis ministries.
You are our main #1 channel.
God bless all of you!
Dear family Quo Vadis,
Thank you for the wonderful ministry that you do. I pray every need is met.
I love Jesus and His wonderful name. I pray for you. In his love.
Hello, your TV ministry is one of my favorite stations to watch! Your broadcast some of the best speakers!
Thank you for the work you all do.
Rich blessings.
Your programming is so refreshing and so unlike other SDA programs.
Dear folks, thank you so much for your wonderful and uplifting ministry. God bless you and protect you in these very difficult times.
Dear family of God, I pray for the best of blessings for your wonderful ministry.
Thank you for your faithfulness in doing what is right according to “Thus sais the Lord”. We praise God for your ministry.
I have been watching Quo Vadis on Youtube since shortly after you commenced on that platform.
As a SDA living in rural Northern Ireland I have found your ministry very uplifting, specifically since since you promote the simple Bible based Gospel message as well as the traditional values and theology of the SDA Church.
In these last times I strongly feel that your channel is most needed especially by the lost who have all manner of error thrust at them from every angle.
I felt compelled to support your good work in some way.
May the Lord continue to bless you with His Spirit and every material requirement as you do His work reaching out to the countless millions who are in sore need of The Truth as it is in Jesus; our Great Hope.
Kindest Christian Regards!
Dear QVTV, I am blessed beyond measure with your wonderful programming,
In all my spare time I watch your station and every time it is a blessing, Pastor Mellas particularly speaks to me in his sermons. Thank you for putting such sobering messages on, the love of Christ is felt throughout your sermons and songs and everything you do there. Oh, the music is wonderful and I sing along when I know the song.
Also enjoy Joel Kratzke on mercy, I am soaking it in. Many others too.
We are thankful for you.
Be safe in these perilous times we are praying for you.
Thank you for all the wonderful programs & music videos you are airing. It has encouraged my faith.
May Jesus Christ continually bless each and every one of you that sacrificed your time and talent to help us understand the 3 Angels Messages!
Thank you so much for your ministry! It is so refreshing.
May God richly bless you as you serve others.
We have been blessed beyond measure by your ministry, we especially like Arnie Suntag and love Denice Grant’s voice.
In Christ.
Your programs are spiritually satisfying, we have never learned so much from anyone.
We are telling many other people about your station.
Thank you.